Not an expert, but a girl who knows a little about a lot. I see how you act, lets talk about why?
17 episodes
Mind over Matter
Please pardon my voice. Season 3 is all about mental health. Yup, we are going to get up inside our minds to appropriately handle the outside!! Outside of your comfort zone, that is. Let's learn about each other and conn...

I did it. We did it.
Season 2 Finale, Kimberly discusses all things goals!! Kimberly made it to the finale, despite struggles, challenges and triumphs, pains and pleasures, we made it to the end. Episode 8, seems to be the natural end for all seas...
Season 2
Episode 8

it's all Relative
Episode 7, Kimberly discusses having a creative block, continuing to move, authenticity or lack there of in some, and what ever else is on her mind at the time! So, take a break, space out with oKThenPodcast, and get lost in t...
Season 2
Episode 7

****RAW**** unedited episode. In episode 6 Kimberly talks about reparation and getting back what she is owed in life ( all good). Kimberly gives her perspective on reparations and being open to receive what she deserves and...
Season 2
Episode 6

This episode Kimberly discusses the continuation of learning lessons about herself and certain people around her. Kimberly talks about leaving a career of over a decade, and allowing the universe to give her what she asks for and w...
Season 2
Episode 5

Anniversary Episode with a side of Boundaries
Happy one year Anniversary oKThen Podcast!! This episode is an uncut, raw conversation on learning, having and maintaining healthy boundaries with a side of good communication.
Season 2
Episode 4

Woman's Work
This episode, Kimberly opens up about mental blocks. Discussing her own encounters with mental blocks and emotional challenges. Kimberly discusses realizing "she has her own "sh!t"! And talks about the strategies s...
Season 2
Episode 3

Men Mentality
Kimberly discusses the importance of African American men seeking help for their mental health needs. "Does asking for help, especially for mental health, make a man weak?" We dive into how society has ignored the stigma s...
Season 2
Episode 2

oKThen Podcast is back, NEW and Improved. This episode is a prelude of what is to come with oKThen Podcast. Kimberly is changing up the game and changing how we think about mental illness and mental health. The show is the sam...
Season 2
Episode 1

On this finale episode, Omar and Kimberly discuss “mansplaining”, gender roles, being a “Boss” and just keeping it 100. Listen and vibe with The Okthenpodcast crew to find out what’s next and upcoming for season 2. ...
Season 1
Episode 8

Let’s get social
Omar and Kimberly once again go deep, just a little bit. Join them as they discuss learning to follow the process, being a “victim” of social media, and protections of a specific race. Buckle up, get ready, and go with the Okthen podcast ...
Season 1
Episode 7

On episode 6, Omar and a Kimberly discuss manifestation and what it means to believe in yourself and your ideas. Take a seat on the OKThen podcast train, relax and feel the vibe of the struggles and triumphs of really believing in yoursel...
Season 1
Episode 6

WHO ARE THESE TWO?! We made it to episode 5!!! Omar and Kimberly give an inside look at how did we get here?? Omar swears he thought of it, named it, created the Podcast and the Earth and all that is with...
Season 1
Episode 5

"Lessons to Unlearn"
On episode 4:Omar and Kimberly discuss Daddy/Daughter dialogue, organically being needed and training for survival. Get on board and enjoy the OKThen podcast ride.Check us out on:ApplePodcasts/okt...
Season 1
Episode 4

"Black, Blue and Everything in Between"
This episode Omar and Kimberly go deep. They have an intimate discussion on being black in America's Police State. Omar give us a extensive, authentic and emotional inside look on what it’s like to be a black man ...
Episode 3